
Flash Back.

Celine Dion.

Just listened to her A New Day Has Come song, why? I have no idea. But I loved the lyrics.

"Where it was dark, now there's light
Where there was pain, now there's joy
Where there was weakness I found my strength,
All in the eyes of a boy"

Missing my boy and so very tempted to drive down to the Ranger Training area just to see if I can see him. Probably not going to happen because I am deathly afraid of someone seeing me and yelling at me. My goal is to find something joyful in the day- not related to Ranger school.

Yesterday, I was so productive. I had made a list of all the things that I needed to accomplish on Monday...when I was being all sulky, because I do realize that being productive is how you get through your days. Well, yesterday I completed my list. So proud of myself! I even saved us some money by dropping our phone plan down and returning $50 worth of batteries. We went a little over board on the packing list for Ranger school. Batteries are very expensive. And the list said "8 packs" so we bought 8 packs of AA and AAA. That is 128 batteries! Ridiculous.

Today, not so productive. Maybe it will take a turn for the better around noon....or tomorrow. We will see.

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