June 23rd. Graduation.
Definitely made sure that I was on time to this one. Rode with Fawn to make sure that it happened. Graduation was a ton of fun. It was a little longer than the ceremony 2 days before, and I think it was more formal. All the boys walked across the stage, called their names and their next duty stations, and then the honor graduates were all recognized.
This was the conclusion to the 16 weeks. Weeks were I spent the majority of the nights sleeping in the bed alone, missing my husband, learning how to prepare enough food for this boy's metabolism that does not stop, drinking coffee, learning how to make bread and biscotti, going on walks, learning my way around post, anxiously awaiting James' arrival on Friday afternoon's/evenings and literally soaking up the weekends and the couple of weeks that James and I were side by side. I can't believe that it is actually over...
proud of you! congrats, james!